5 Moving Tips To Reduce Stress

No matter how hard we try, planning a move is stressful no matter what. Between the packing, movers, deadlines, address changes, and signing contracts, moving house is no easy feat. However, we’re going to give you some tips on how you can make the move as easy as possible – yes, even if you have kids. There are ways you can organize before, during, and post move to reduce stress and keep those emotions from coming out in a less than pleasant way.
We’re going to give you 5 of our most effective ways to be productive while remaining calm during this stressful time.


You’ve heard it before, you know you should do it, but it just seems like too much. Here’s the thing – decluttering will eliminate a lot of the stress of packing. When you declutter, you’re taking a literal weight off your shoulders. When you go to move, you won’t be lugging things around that you don’t even use. You can begin decluttering any time before you upcoming move, but we would suggest beginning approximately 3 months before the big day. This way, you have the time to create your piles of keep, donate, or toss. For tips on how to declutter visit our blog on Home Organization!
A great option in your decluttering stage is to rent a storage container. Doing this will allow you to pack up certain belongings with you’re sorting through your things. In this capacity, you can pack your things away slowly and securely. You have all the time in the world when you use a storage container to pack up your home, which will reduce stress closer to moving day.


Some people buy planners and write down the birthdays of their loved ones and forget about actually planning… we’re speaking from experience. But the trick is to remember that your agenda is your friend, especially during a time that will require lots of planning, remembering dates, and making appointments. This agenda can take many forms. For those who prefer digital organization, use a spreadsheet or your phone’s calendar to keep your phone numbers, daily reminders of tasks, and notifications of appointments. If you belong to the book club, then your paperback agenda or notebook will save your life.

In this agenda keep track of your regular activities, along with:

    • Appointments i.e. with your realtor
    • Daily Task Reminders i.e. changing your address on one important document a day
    • Phone Numbers i.e. your moving company
  • Lists i.e. things you need to buy for the new house

Additionally, remember to keep your calendar light in the weeks surrounding your upcoming move. Having unnecessary things to do on top of your move will contribute to your stress levels.


Moving is a family effort. If you have kids, ask them to pack their own room, or pack their stuffed animals, or photos away and put them in your storage container for safe keeping. Remember that this is an adventure for them and they’re probably excited about the move, so use that energy to your advantage! If you’re the master of the move, then assigning tasks will let you relax a bit. A good way to assign tasks is to write them down (in your notebook) and create deadlines, it will also help to write it on their calendars as a reminder. With everything you need to do before the move, try planning ahead and organizing tasks a month or two before. This way, everyone will know what they need to do to help with plenty of notice. 


You don’t have to do it all, ask for help! If you’re moving solo, then friends and family are a good resource to have in order to get your move done quickly. Not to mention that everything is better when you don’t have to do it alone. Your friends will be your de-stress team (hopefully) where when you’re feeling overwhelmed, they will step in and help sort through the hiccough. Don’t refuse help either! If someone offers to help you move, or help you clean, always say yes. The friends who offer usually mean it, and even if they don’t you’ll get help anyways, so it’s a win-win for you. Undertaking the task of moving with minimal help is never a good idea.
The benefits of using a storage container to pack your things will unveil itself in this stage. Your container will be picked up, and moved to your new location for you. This means no hired movers, no trips back and forth, and no worrying about your mattress falling off the back of a truck. You’ve prepared for moving day with a portable storage container, and now you’re reaping the benefits of stress-free transportation.


There’s no denying it, you’re going to be exhausted. You’ll be in a time crunch, trying to lift heavy things, sweating, and having people touching your things. That’s not ideal for anyone. This is why taking breaks is important, and we’re not talking 10 minute breaks. We mean half hour breaks to walk your dog, or sit down and eat a piece of pizza. This will help you recharge, relax a bit, and then you’ll be ready to take on the boxes again.
There you have it! Use these 5 tips to make your move a little easier. Remember that with MI-BOX Moving and Storage, you can keep a MI-BOX on your property and pack it as you go for however long you need it. We make your move as easy as 1, 2, 3, whether you’re moving just a couple blocks away, or a couple cities away within Alberta.
Make your move easy – explore options with MI-BOX.



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